Tuesday 5 May 2015


Not a post in over a year, I'm great at this blog thing...

So obviously there must be an awfully good reason to air an opinion after a year of silence. And I think it's a good point.

Remember complaining about stuff you learnt at school that they won't use again, here's the thing; someone will be using it.

You know the situation, spin back to year 10 maths lessons and you have people complaining why do they need to know this stuff? But back to the present day, those 'useless' things, I use everyday in my degree, simultaneous equation, equations of graphs, Pythagoras theorem, and that's not the main part of my degree, I'm expected to know it, because it was covered in mainstream education.

I know that's not the case for everyone, but you'll have something else you took from school. People going into Geography fields use skills they learnt in those lessons and so on for every subject. Everyone's got something, even if it's like learning how to make friends (a skill I am still working on).

Everyone complains that they learnt all this irrelevant stuff at school, but you're forgetting the relevant stuff you learnt. Writers will remember their English lessons, Scientists use their Science lessons.

Just because you don't use everything doesn't been someone isn't. The education system doesn't know what you enjoy, and you won't know what you enjoy and don't until you try it.

 Bloody hell stop complaining.
< /rant >

Thursday 27 March 2014


Well, I may be a little late for the cinema, but considering the rest of the films I've analysing are from the 80's and 90's, I'm sure you'll live, however I will try to keep this as spoiler free as possible.

Firstly, the resemblance to tangled is so obvious, I mean three of the main characters are the same. Example? Anna and Rapunzel. Locked away for years and finally want to explore the world. Christof and Flynn. The handsome men helping the girls on their journey so they can get something in return. Don't even get me started on the parents.

The only difference I feel, is the presence of Elsa, there's no character to represent her in Tangled, or indeed any stereotypical role, I guess she is classed as a villain, but then not.

Shall we move onto the characters?

Anna: tad ditsy I guess, more stereotypical lead than normal.

Elsa: It's hard to analyse her, I can't think of any similar characters in anything! I'm not even sure if I liked her, she's a little, selfish I guess. Yeah I know she's trying to protect them but hmm I'm just not sure.

Hans: For those who have seen the film, this may cause outrage, I think he's my favourite. Even though he's not an overly major character, I felt he had more substance than most of the main characters. It's like the story drove the other characters, but Hans was driving the story I guess. I think this is it.

Is this my first bad guy?

(edit: I've already had Mim, so yes first bad guy)

Stuff can suck, but not always

I'm not even going to apologise for lack of posts; only two people read this and writing isn't my forte, so I'd be confused if anyone expected more.

This week has definitely been a mix of some rather intense things, none affecting me directly, but simply put, several things usually not talked about usually, have been this week. That combined with the Tangled soundtrack currently accompanying me, I'm feeling a tad reflective, but this week of openess has kinda made me want to close off a bit more. So I'm not entirely sure where this is going.

I guess a general thankfulness is in the air, turns out things can be worse, and this week is proof of that, I could be (more) directly affected by these issues, but thankfully I'm not; although I am close enough to realise how much things can suck.

So I suppose I could go in the direction for this post saying; things get better. Although talking is hard (directly reinforced by my resistance to share details in a blog), it can be worth it in the long run.
I guess.


Sunday 16 February 2014

Lifescouts 2.0

I know I have blogged about Lifescouts before, and I plan to do another one updating you on the badges that I have earned since then; but this year, I am setting myself Lifescouts goals; these are lifescout badges I wish to earn by the end of 2014.

Giving Blood
- Last week I applied to be put on the blood register, and hopefully should be carrying that through.

Eiffel Tower
- Although I have seen it before when I was young, this marks more of my first holiday with friends, which hopefully should be happening with my friend Lucy in the summer.

- This is something I attempted in 2012 for about a day, and almost got the hang of it; but with a circus skills evening planned for tonight, maybe this may actually happen.

- With the current occasional lessons from my boyfriend, and a fairly free summer, maybe I'll be able to move by December without squeezing his hand and screaming.

So, all those I've mentioned above I have some plans in action to achieve, now I will pick two more, in which I have no immediate plans in action regarding the badges.

Bike Riding
I had an accident on a bike in 2012, and have barely been on a bike since; and have spent the majority of 2013 scared of bikes; if I get on a bike on 2 separate occasions this year, I will be happy.

Although I've eaten lunch in the middle of a field countless times, I can't particularly think of a time where we had the blanket, a bag of nice food and been able to eat and have fun.

I know this one is mediocre but I used to adore swimming, but haven't done it in years, it would be nice to go once this year.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Swordy Stone

Back to the disney analysis.

Today we plummet our swords into stone (ooer)

So we have Arthur, Merlin, Achimedes, Mim and that's about it. (I don't care about the clumsy ginger and his dad)

I'm drawn to Merlin, mainly due to the beard..
Arthurs very similar to Mowgli, maybe they are reincarnations across a century and a continent. Therefore the annoyance is carried forward.
Achimedes- surprisingly even though the name of a mathematician is carried into a Disney film, it would continue my theme of the sidekicks to go with him.
Mim- I just want to dress up as her, literally the only reason she's here (the dragon is cool too)

After that half hearted and rushed analysis: I think it's gone to Mim...

Is that my first Villain? ooh...


words are fun.
well, they aren't.
Am I inadvertantly writing a poem?
Apparently so,
photos are better.
mainly fun ones.
numbers can be worse than words.
but sometimes better.
Brains are interesting,
mainly when they don't work.
Other things don't work either.
eyes and ears (and mouth and nose)
Yes, I just quoted a nursury rhyme.

This is my post of nonsense.
nonsense is good.
my secret rant,
disguised in a cloak of odd.

(I really just used a metaphor...
this is over before I throw a shakespeare quote in)

'Shall I compare thee to a summ-'

Friday 25 October 2013

the small things.

It's a common, easily found out characteristic of mine that I can get very excited about the small things. Generally resulting in burst of euphoria in everyday life.
Here's a few things that can bring out extreme happiness in me. The emotions are so strong I can't explain it. So I'll have to list. (this now sounds like a mental condition)

it is not uncommon to hear a AAAAAAH YESSSS. purely from a good quote or scene, mainly close calls, some epic moments ('That only counts as one..') ('We can see you Sid') ('well baby I'm a bit biFURIOUS')
.. I could do an entire post on the best moments in film... it would be a long post

I get really proud of my jokes, and usually announce this following the joke. In particular a good chemistry joke. I also occasionally jump if it's really that good in my head.

this is less of audible dog-pitch squeal like the others, but just extreme contempt with everything around me and an urge to skip down the road. (nb. Sun is usually required, extreme(ish) weather also works)

This hasn't happened much academically for a while, which is slightly odd, but little facts I read online, usually get the Alex squeal if they are worth it.

Although I suppose could technically fit into film, but I get soooo immersed in glee, it's like it's my real world. And I feel all height of emotions with it (we have a special connection)

and finally, the thing that sparked this...

What do you call a sad electron..



(That may require at least A level Chemistry to understand full)

...most jokes have age ratings... mine have qualification ratings